sexta-feira, 21 de outubro de 2011

Glee 1st season

Eu me emocionei muito agora assintindo o último epsódio da primeira temporada de Glee. Definitivamente, a MELHOR SÉRIE de todos os tempos, superando, com louvor (diga-se de passagem) Desperate Housewives).
I hope that whenn I grow up I can find a group with people like you: true, talented, strong, funny, multifacial and that have nothing in common, but, at the same time, have everything in common...
Thanks Glee, for let me knowing that I do can run away from this ship going under and things are going to get better. ;)
Thank Your Glee.
Post-Scriptum: Sue Silvester, you are not even worth of the floor you step on! Hate you, bitch! ;)

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